WIN £100 CASH + 10 FREE £5 INSTANT WIN CHANCES, Spot the Ball Competition, Only 25p per spot & enter as many times as you like!

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£0.25 Per Ticket

product short description box test text

Please be patient. We are picking winners!


Product Description Box – test text to see what goes in here

About This Competition

A modern version of the good old fashioned “SPOT THE BALL” style competition. In this version you make your selections by clicking or pressing your screen where you think the ball is using your skill and judgement.

You can make as many selections as you want and the more you enter the more you save, have 4 goes for 90p, 10 goes for only £2!

The winner will be calculated by the computer and whoever is the nearest to the ball on the original photo, in the event of a tie break the prize will be shared evenly between all with the correct guess. The INSTANT WINS will be awarded to the next nearest 10 entries.

The winner will be announced at 2:00pm on Sunday with all entries shown.

The chosen sport will change each week… good luck.